Friday, April 23, 2010

oh...lab technique n clinical specimen collection (csc)..

...first paper yesterday dh selamat, elok jew ak jawb ikut ssdap rase ak...
...ak tmbah la pe2 yg ptt tok sdapkn rase kn...
...huh..let it go je la..
...dis sunday i'll sit for lab tech paper n then continue wit csc paper on monday...
...erm..lab tech x sntuh habuk pn...
...x tau nk bace pe...x ske la instrument yg byk tuh...
...quality control la..quality assurance bnde la quality2 nh sume..
...heran btol ak...naseb bek csc besh...
...i have read a lot n juz need a few revision..maybe la...heheh nh lebe kurang je ngn clinical chem (cc)... x de hal sgt dh bace la gak cc kn...
...tbe2 rse nk cte ckt pe de dlm sbjct csc nh kn...heheh nh more to blood n practical pn wat blood collection jew...
...but i need 2 know bout urine,feces,csf n other specimen gak.. the specimen collect n how to perform the analysis...
...syok gak blaja bnde nh tp 2 la...
...mcm geli gak la..urine n feces tuh,...eeewww...
...btw..dis is my job n i have choose to do dis.., nk x nk kne la gak...juz +ve kn dri je la...
...kalo x de sp yg sudi nk uat t x de la owng yg leh analysis kn.., jgn pndang rndah pd kami..huhuhu...
...pe2 pn...wish me luck lagi 5 paper..

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