Saturday, July 24, 2010

pikir la tajuk sndri..

dh lame rase nye ye x menconteng arang kt blog nh..
d sbbkn busan yg mlampaui batas mlm nh...
plus x tau nk uat pn mlwat la blog nh...
hampir putus fius otak ak mmikirkn pe nk tulis kt blog nh...
nk tulis pasl dri ak o kwn2 ak???no idea...
dh la ak ngh saket prut nh..
mgkin anis yg dah mracuni ak nh...
td die mask spagheti...sbb spagheti die ke???
hahah...cian la kt prut ak nh...
adoy..mrane sggh....sok de klas lak tu..
ri ahd de klas???cam x logik + mnyakitkn ati..
dh la cti ri senin je...plek sggh...
sabo je la..ok la..
x mmpu nk mnulis...prut ase memulas je..

Monday, July 12, 2010

c0ngrats SPAIN!!!

~pic d tgh lautan manusia~
:: even i never watch football match::
:: but dis final WC, nabilah n i volunteer to escort ain sakinah n anis mardhiah to ICT::
:: jauh bnr kn nk tgk WC::
:: but its ok, all for them::
:: during da match...ak bkn tgk pn::
:: bz wit lappy n psp::
:: bole x cm2???haha...there is so many people..::
:: do i care they said to me like dis..'kalo nk tgk laptop kt umah la'...::
:: hahaha...sengal...mmg kalo bole nk tgk kt tmn kawn nye pasl::
:: ak bkn lyn sokong ane2 pn...ak sokong yg menang je yg pasti::
:: even i not the big fan of football but i noe la little bit bout da player n every match::
:: erm...dh la x pnh kua mlm kn.::
:: dis is da 1st time n back after subuh::
:: wow..sggh kagum..::
:: can u all many boys compare to girl there??::
:: 4 sure large number of boy rite:: 
:: n we juz 4 girl without any boy dat can accompany us::
:: i mean spupu o someone yg muhrim la::
:: sume owng pandang semacam je ::
:: ye la...mne x nye..if there r a girl must be wit their boy::
:: ahh....sggh byk maksiat.. ::
:: btw...congrats to spain n if MALAYSIA enter wc of coz i'll support them::
:: but when???haha::
:: i noew malaysia can do it::
:: okok...daaa~::