Saturday, June 19, 2010

there is nothing either good or bad, 
but thinking makes it so..

Friday, June 18, 2010

women wish to be LOVEd,
not because they are PRETTY
but because they are THEMSELVES.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


abang ak nk kawen????
mcm x caye...tbe2 je ckp nk kawen...
taun dpan plak 2...dah soh mak ak wat preparation ag...
ble nk uat majlis tunang???die ckp x yah...x pnting pn..
sengal btol la...
ri 2 ak msj tnye bile nk kawen ckp ak ngarut..
de ke patut..aish...
ye la kn...b4 keje die yg xcted sgt nk kawen..dats y la ak tnye..
mst mse ak tnye die de prob ngn awek...
hahaha...bese la tu...
x phm btol ak...de2 je la...
dh lame ase nye umah nh x de knduri kawen...
yg 1st dlu kakak ak...
tp tu pun 5 taun yg lalu...
dh lame sgt ase nye...nh bkn abg yg 1st tau menyuarakan hasrat d ati...
nh abg yg ke-2 tp anak yg ke-3 la..
nk hrp abg ak yg 1st tu kawen dlu..
alamat la..die tu ag mcm2 alsan...
leceh la...x cam orang bujang la...
mmg la..dh kawen x kn la cam owng bujang ag..
lawak btol...huhuhu....
x kan nk hrap ak kawen plk..
gilo...x leh d trime akal..
hahaha...blaja pn x abes lagi..
cau cin cau...

Friday, June 11, 2010

sunway lagoon..

3 june 2010

LEYA,GHA,SUAID,KINA n me went to sunway...
even dh sminggu pn..
i wanna story gak...
i dunt care if u all wanna read o not...=)
dis is my blog kn....heheh
i think the ticket so expnsive la..
3 park for 60ringgt...
amusement,wild n water park..
yg ktorng men amusement park je la..
if nk men water park cam segan je..
ye la kn..
dh besa2 lak 2..
huhu..kalo pk mcm not worth je kn..
btw...dis is da sweet moment ever wit my frend..
mayb nex time difficult to hang out 2gether...
gha pn dh nk fly g ireland...
mayb after dis x smpat nk jmpe die b4 die g...
sume dh sbuk blaja kn..=(

nh de cte mnyakitkn ati...
ktorng bwk sandwich yg KINA buat, kuih yg SUAID bwk n de la ckt jajan2 kn...
mmg la x leh bwk mask tp ktorng dh baek nye cover kn...
ktorng dh asing2 kn la...
then ktorng g la kt tmpt chck nh..
mke confident je..
mle2 dh nk lpas nh...pas2 tbe2 je dtg sorng gurl nh cam kerek je muke...
tros check ag skali..adush..
dh hmpir lpas tau...kecewe gile la...
tpkse la ktorng mkn kt uar sume 2 b4 mask...
mmg klprn la dlm sunway lagoon..
die nye locker x leh mahal lg lak 2...
huh....geram btol..

dis is da important thing..
tq very much la to  u all 4 da cakes..
x amek pic cake lak..
kalo x mst leh pblish kn..
tq sgt2 la ye...
cake secret recipe tuh..

if ATEN, CHOA n OLIE join must be more gempak kn..
kalo g2 kne tggu sume dh abes blaja la br lah leh gathering..
haaa...choa n aten jgn x tau lak..
we have one agreement...
nh dh d persetujui sume..
korng pn kne stuju gak..
one day i'll tell u k..
ok la...

i have upload a few pic..
another pic at fb la..